The Outsiders

The book ‘the outsiders by S.E. HINTON is based off a boy named pony boy. This books is base back in the 1980s. This book is based on brotherhood and friendship. His parents died in a car accident and only family member he has left is his little brother Dally . The conflict in this story is a ”war” with the socks there arch enemy. Pony boy has learned that things half to be done in order to save peoples life’s. the conflict in this book is fighting and arguing all the time. The main theme in this book is things need to be done in order to make sure they never happen again.


How the author tells the story from the beginning of the story is he tell us about all the characters and why there on the greases gang. It tells us how pony boy lost his family or parents and how him and his brother had to take care of the self’s. ‘I heard you was the best shot in the family they have made friends on the long run and lost them too.


The story is told a little different in the middle of the book but it tells a lot about so starting and what is going to happen. Like when jonnhey cut off pony boys pony tail and he did the same thing. It also tells how pony boy is starting to read more now which he never did because he didn’t go to school.


The end of the book talks about the big fight between the greasers and the soc’s and how they both meet each other and had a big brawl. Think of it as a baseball fight. Pony boy was in it all his members of his group was there to fight with him. ”you can just lay off” and that was how it was started. In the end the greasers beat up the soc’s very bad making them run back where they came from.


The conclusion is  that brotherhood is everything and you never leave one behind or let them stand alone in a fight. There always a saying you mess with a bird you half to deal with the flock. So when they beat up pony boy they messed up bad. Even through his parents died he still got his brother and his gang and that’s all the mattered to him.


The book ”outsiders is based back in time around 1970s. the book is a about a boy who parents died when he was younger. so he wasn’t raised by the right group of people. the only thing he knows is to stay away from the Soc s a rich group of white kids that danger everyone. but hes always been loyal to his gang. there like his brothers b the care and love one another.

one of the characters in the book is named pony boy and his like the main charterer in the book. his like a regular kid just like me. his active and has friends that are like brothers . pony is like my older brother because he likes to go allot of places with my mom.  but if any one tried to hurt him he would have his gang behind his back and thats why there his brothers.

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There was one day that Ray Moon was one of the best outfielder’s ever to come out of Fort Wayne sense he was drafted in the 25th round back in 1992.Ray wasn’t always an outfielder he played shortstop back in little league. It was in till his he was a freshmen in high school going to Harding. Ray was always good at baseball he knew one thing his dad told him ” it don’t matter how you do just go out and play hard every game” from his dad and he would go on later to tell his kids the same thing his dad once told him. He would go on to be something great.


Ray remembered the day when he got called up and was told he was going to play professional baseball at the age of that age in time it was just like a little kid being told he was getting ice cream. He was doing yard work with his dad at the time  and left as soon they told him. My dad would end up playing some of the world’s most greatest players to ever live. From players named Derek Jeter and manny rameiez. Back when he played rookie ball when he played against so many players that would be hall of famers. Another person is poky resease. A fellow team mate back in in minor ball.


It would be the day when he had his second child Domanick Moon. Ray always wanted a son who was left-handed because his first son was right handed. He stared him off at a young age playing baseball and he was good at it. He knew that he would be able to go somewhere with it in the future. Even at the age of 6 he looked like a true baseball player.


Ray had membered everything that his son had did when his was younger but in his words ” from a lefty stance”. Going from hitting home rounds playing in the outfield and running bases.This was one of the best thing he could see his son do was get better every day he played. His son played for Leo  storm a travel baseball team in Fort Wayne Indiana. He was 7 at the time. He never had him play house ball because it was never fair for the other kids.


The life of baseball

Ray Moon was one of the best outfielder’s ever sense he was drafted in the 25th round back in 1992.ray wasn’t always an outfielder he played shortstop back in little league. It was in till his he was a freshmen in high school going to Harding. Ray was always good at baseball he knew one thing his dad told him ” it don’t matter how you do just go out and play hard every game” from his dad and he would go on later to tell his kids the same thing his dad once told him.

Ray remembered the day when he got called up and was told he was going to play professional baseball at the age of 18. He was doing yard work with his dad at the time  and left as soon they told him. My dad would end up playing some of the world’s most greatest players to ever live. From players named Derek Jeter and manny Ramirez. Back when he played rookie ball when he played against so many players that would be hall of framers. Another person is poky resease.

It would be the day when he had his second child Domanick Moon. Ray always wanted a son who was left-handed because his first son was right handed. He stared him off at a young age playing baseball and he was good at it. He knew that he would be able to go somewhere with it in the future.

Ray had remembered everything that his son had did when his was younger but in his words ” from a lefty stance”. This was one of the best thing he could see his son do was get better every day he played. His son played for Leo  storm a travel baseball team in Fort Wayne Indiana. He was 7 at the time.

Ray remembered when he played for the Princeton Reds we he played in the minors back when was younger. Ray played all over the states raging from south Dakota and Florida and more. All Domanick hears from people is his dad was one of the best there was around in Indiana. He was ranked 2 in state in Indiana.

He remembers the time he got into fights while playing baseball. It was one game someone in the dugout told him he was going to hit. They told him when he got up to the plate. One pitch it was at his head and missed, second pitch hits him and his whole team charges at the mound and it was a brawl. Ray went and looked for the guy who said he was going to get hit by the pitch. He was long gone by then

But in the end ray wanted the best for his sons and no matter what they did wrong or right wrong he always told them to ”play hard on every play your on and try your hardest no matter what happens”.

BMS Football Game

Two students from Blackhawk Middle School are very excited for Thursday today. The reason why is they are on the school’s football team and they are playing Jefferson Middle School they are both 8th graders and are starting captains on the team. Their names are Domanick and DJ and they both are ready to play them ”I feel very confident that we can win today” from Domanick. The games is at 5:30 today East Central. LETS GO EAGLES!!!!!!

Eagles football players  are students first. They take school very seriously especially domanick and DJ. There always looked on by there coaches Mr. Meyer and Mr. Birkinbul. Which motivate them to keep good grades in school and beyond there school days. Blackhawk is the school for you wanting kids to get better every day. Are goal a Blackhawk for every students is to BELIEVE!!!!

i am reader

The book i am currently reading right now”DOGSONG”. Its a very weird start to it right now. a guy name Oogruk that eats his own dogs. the reason why i choose this book was because i read the two books before this one Hatchet and woodsong. i like the book the last book i read of the series was Tracker and that was in the 5th grade.

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